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9156 sq m
Imagine waking up to the sound of the surf rolling in a continuous crescendo as it crashes onto the beach below with its miles of pristine sand. Head down to the beach over your dedicated access either by foot or quad and go for a walk or perhaps have a surf cast or go and check the pots to see if lunch has been provided. Ocean Beach is situated just 15 minutes from Havelock North and yet when you are there with the uncrowded beach in front of you it is hard to believe that you really are so close to the schools and shops. As you approach the section on a sealed private roadway through a working Station you come around a bend and the beauty of Ocean Beach hits you. It is a feeling that will never go away. The development comprises of just five sections and this one sits gloriously above the Beach with unimpeded views over it. The services of water, power and telecom are connected to the boundary. The owners have decided that the pull of family ties are too strong and therefore have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the dream of retiring to this idyllic site is now not for them. It does however provide someone else with the opportunity to create a stunning home over looking one of the most beautiful, yet accessible, beaches in New Zealand. Offers in excess of $1,100,000.
Property ID
9156 sq m